Farewells is a mixed music piece in the form of a requiem which was composed for my uncle’s funeral in February 2018. The textual fragments are from Fernando Pessoa, all coming from his first English Sonnet. They tell the original incommunicability of being and the shortfalls of language. Thus it is through contemplation and reverence that the spontaneous rebellion of humans towards mysteries and death might found its sublimation. Farewells is a piece of music which takes part of that ritual, the one that achieves the linking of presence to existence, of life to death.
The cantus firmus are issued from Fuse (2007) and the electroacoustic choral is issued from the 2d movement of Le Surgissement du Réel (2018).
with Sara Notarnicola & Sirana Szterynski, voices.
click on the picture to listen
Farewells (2018) fixed media
A Date With Wind is a polygraphic recital for saxophone(s) & live-computer which was born after a fruitful premiere collaboration with Joël. The program is more or less flexible according to the performance circumstances as given durational frames though it is uncompromisely featuring cinematic-like built and thought musics that we like and wish to share.
The concert might exhaustively present : Marta Gentiluci's Exp.doc...et juv. (?), Bernard Cavanna's Goutte d'Or Blues, Julien Vincenot's Silent_Data_Corrupt, Jacopo Baboni Schilingi's Spatio Intermisso and Nicolas Jacquot's Une Autre Nuit.
with : Joël Versavaud, saxophones & Nicolas Jacquot, laptop
picture by Mathieu Mangaretto / Le Bus Digital
A Date With Wind is a polygraphic recital for saxophone(s) & live-computer which was born after a fruitful premiere collaboration with Joël. The program is more or less flexible according to the performance circumstances as given durational frames though it is uncompromisely featuring cinematic-like built and thought musics that we like and wish to share.
The concert might exhaustively present : Marta Gentiluci's Exp.doc...et juv. (?), Bernard Cavanna's Goutte d'Or Blues, Julien Vincenot's Silent_Data_Corrupt, Jacopo Baboni Schilingi's Spatio Intermisso and Nicolas Jacquot's Une Autre Nuit.
with : Joël Versavaud, saxophones & Nicolas Jacquot, laptop
picture by Mathieu Mangaretto / Le Bus Digital
Écriture poétique
Farewells (2018) fixed media
Farewells (2018) fixed media requiem
Venus (2018) for solo viola
Farewells (2018) fixed media
Farewells (2018) fixed media
Venus (2018) for solo viola
Farewells is a mixed music piece in the form of a requiem which was composed for my uncle’s funeral in February 2018. The textual fragments are from Fernando Pessoa, all coming from his first English Sonnet. They tell the original incommunicability of being and the shortfalls of language. Thus it is through contemplation and reverence that the spontaneous rebellion of humans towards mysteries and death might found its sublimation. Farewells is a piece of music which takes part of that ritual, the one that achieves the linking of presence to existence, of life to death.
The cantus firmus are issued from Fuse (2007) and the electroacoustic choral is issued from the 2d movement of Le Surgissement du Réel (2018).
with Sara Notarnicola & Sirana Szterynski, voices.
click on the picture to listen
Double Trouble performance is based on a reduced reading of the eponym novel which I had been writting during a serendipitous night of July 2017. It is accompanied by a fixed arrangement of recent works plus a special feature of Monte Cazazza's song A Gringo Like Me. The full tracklist includes :
The Jazzercises - Node I (2019)
Interlude I
We're (In) The Text - midi mockup (2017)
The Jazzercises - Mode I (2018)
Choral XXI - Showcase Showdown (2019)
Interlude II
The Jazzercises - Node II (2019)
Interlude III
*Monte Cazazza / A Gringo Like Me, extract (2010)
The Jazzercises - Mode VI (2019)
it was premiered on November 23, 2019 @ 2biS clothes shop-gallery in Marseille during the opening of the group installation Tu t'Uses Beauté ?
Double Trouble performance is based on a reduced reading of the eponym novel which I had been writting during a serendipitous night of July 2017. It is accompanied by a fixed arrangement of recent works plus a special feature of Monte Cazazza's song A Gringo Like Me. The full tracklist includes :
The Jazzercises - Node I (2019)
Interlude I
We're (In) The Text - midi mockup (2017)
The Jazzercises - Mode I (2018)
Choral XXI - Showcase Showdown (2019)
Interlude II
The Jazzercises - Node II (2019)
Interlude III
*Monte Cazazza / A Gringo Like Me, extract (2010)
The Jazzercises - Mode VI (2019)
it was premiered on November 23, 2019 @ 2biS clothes shop-gallery in Marseille during the opening of the group installation Tu t'Uses Beauté ?
* Activité 57 p. 120 : "Lire un graphique", MANUEL EUROMATHS CE2
Vocabulaire : les synonymes
Vocabulaire : les synonymes
An Instrument In Your Hands : ondas telúricas rodeando tus muros (2017-19)
pour guitare électrique préparée & live-computer, 40' ca
La pièce comporte trois mouvements, le titre de chacun désignant la source de la prise de voix qui y prédomine :
I. Lenie, disparue dans l’urgence, à 16h38, ni plus, ni moins, exactement...
II. Sabrina, qui a été retenue candidate pour faire sonner une apocalypse...
III. Sofia, enceinte au moment de la prise, n’a pas compris ce à quoi ça sert...
Parmi les mots-clés que j’ai choisi pour définir cette pièce-performance figure en premier lieu le mot “borderline”. Une musique borderline ou une musique schizophrénique, c’est pour moi une musique qui désire d’être écrite mais qui n’y parvient pas à cause de sa très grande instabilité et de sa prise de risque qui la dépasse. C'est une musique désirante, une musique qui vous séduit tout en vous faisant vouloir la fin de tout.
Mauricio Meza est un créateur qui incarne tour à tour les figures du compositeur, chercheur, improvisateur, guitariste, artiste sonore et multimedia. Son imaginaire s’est nourrit d’un lien profond avec les cultures vives et originales du Mexique et de ses incursions dans la jungle tropicale, à la recherche de rivières souterraines dans la Péninsule du Yucatán. Il entretient un contact intime avec la poésie, les arts plastiques, la danse, le cinéma, la philosophie et les sciences cognitives. Son catalogue compte plus d’une quarantaine de travaux et dévoile une activité artistique qui embrasse aussi bien la musique de chambre que la musique électroacoustique, le software, la performance, l’installation et l’improvisation. Il vit et travaille actuellement entre les villes de Reims en France et la ville de Cancún au Mexique où il codirige le collectif El Tiempo De La Vida avec la pianiste Nadia Arce. En tant que curateur, il collabore régulièrement avec le festival Muslab — Festival international de musique électroacoustique basé à Mexico.